Course curriculum
An Introduction to the New Testament with Dr. James Aageson
Preliminary Considerations
The New Testament Gospels in Preview
Mark’s Narrative of Jesus: Important Points and Junctures
Paul and the Pauline Letters in Preview
Selected Pauline Texts: Important Claims
Acts: The Church in Motion
Other New Testament Epistles: A Brief Survey
Patmos and the Revelation to John
Conclusion: Final Comments

About this course
- $50.00
- 10 lessons
- 5.5 hours of video content
- The New Testament documents are central to the Christian faith and to historic Christianity. By ecumenical consensus among all Christian traditions, the New Testament is central to the faith, life, and worship of the church. It is the word of God and it conveys the word of God. Even as the New Testament is central to all Christian traditions, interpretations of these texts often vary widely. This makes for a rich and fascinating tapestry of readings in the history of New Testament interpretation. This course is an introduction to the New Testament designed for a general audience and for lay people who may be preparing themselves for congregational leadership.